A. H. Y.

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Day 79 - Portland, OR - OK Go

I remember the first OK Go video that really blew my mind.  It wasn't the treadmills.  I like the treadmills (everybody likes the treadmills), but I thought that was just kind of cute.  A Stupid Human Trick.  A one-off.  No, the one that blew my mind was This Too Shall Pass.  If you haven't seen it, go watch it now; it's a Rube Goldbergian contraption that not only will make you shake your head but fits the song perfectly.  This Too Shall Pass, as we pass by thing after thing in dizzying fashion, much the way life sometimes seems to just zip by.

But it wasn't until I watched Inside Out, Upside Down that I finally realized that OK Go is my personal spiritual band guide.  Everyone has one; for some people it's Dave Mathews Band, for others it might be They Might Be Giants or Pink Floyd.  I love all those bands, and TMBG in particular was my spirit animal through high school and college.  But as an adult, OK Go really gets me and inspires me.  It isn't just that they make awesome music (they do) or make awesome videos (they do).  What really gets me about them wasn't obvious to me until I saw that opening scene in zero gravity and the disclaimer about how they "really shot this", no green screen, and I thought well, of course they did.  They got in a plane and vomited 58 times while plummeting towards the earth over and over and spliced together 21 second snippets of zero gravity video to make their music come to life because of course they did.  They are OK Go.  This is what they do.  And as I watched, all my cynicism dropped away and I realized, as cheesy as it sounds, that I can do this.  I will ride my bike 3800 miles across the country because of course I will.  I will find a great job that's fulfilling and lucrative because that's what I do.  OK Go is out there showing us that you can have what you want, be who you want to be, if you just admit that it's possible and then bust your ass to make it happen.