A. H. Y.

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2016 TransAm/Western Express Day 54 - Eureka, NV

It's just hot.  Hot and dry and nowhere.  I'd love to say that I'm getting something poetic out of this, but honestly I feel like I'm trapped in Groundhog Day.  Don't get me wrong; a bad day biking is better than a good day doing anything else.  But, yeah.  In my hours on the bike, I laid out the narrative arc of the trip so far: 

Act I The Beginning

  In which our heroes discover the truth

Act II Training

  In which our heroes take on the challenge

Act III The Disease

  In which our heroes remember the motivation

Act IV Cycling

  In which our heroes rejoice in creation

Act V The Suffering

  In which all our heroes fought for is threatened

Act VI Victory

  In which our heroes find the ocean, and peace

Of course right now we are in The Suffering.  I'll let you know when we reach the denouement. 

PS We met another awesome woman named Lisa with MS.  Mike, Shanon, Olivia and myself were at this store in Baker and she introduced herself.  Her and her family cooked us all dinner last night, and then her mom cooked us a big spaghetti dinner and left it for us at the church we're in tonight (as well as offering us the church).  People are awesome. 

PPS I took up Chess. 

PPPS I have my outfit for from mostly ready.