A. H. Y.

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2016 Day 8 - Florence, OR

Yesterday I crossed over into the territory I covered in the ride that I did in 2014.  In 2014, I rode north from San Francisco to Florence and then turned east on the TransAmerica.  This time, I was coming down from the south and headed to SF and points beyond.  On this occasion it's easy to compare where I'm at now to where I was in 2014.  The biggest and most obvious difference is that in 2014 I felt like I was searching for something, whereas in 2016 I feel like I've found something.  Every day I wake up with a list of issues, not least of which are the financial ones.  But what keeps me going is the realization that I'm so much happier and more fulfilled than I was back then.  I don't fear the future as a general rule.  I have anxieties but they don't dominate my life.  Often I think about how nice it would be to go back to the life I had then.  There was a lot to recommend it, on paper.  But being here provides an acute reminder of how unhappy I was back then, and the contrast to where I am now.  I am literally and figuratively headed in a different direction.