2016 Training Day 4
I'm eager to get back into the blogging. I've been missing it; I just got distracted by other things. Today I ran 13.1 miles, or a half marathon. At least, I ran the first 11.1 miles; I let myself do some walking the last two. I've really been trying a new approach of, instead of beating my head against brick walls, trying to actually train to my current level, which is why I let myself walk. I had 6 "easy" miles, meaning that, while I was working, I didn't feel stressed about it. Then I had "medium" miles where I could feel the load. Then, there were 3 "hard" miles where I was struggling, taking me up to 11 miles. But at that point we were getting into "very hard" terrain, where I'm actually hurting myself. Unless it's a competition day (and maybe not even then), I'm going to take it easy at that point. It's not training at that point; it's just self-flagellation.