A. H. Y.

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2017 - Fitness #6 - Life Goals (184.7 lbs)

Hooray!  So, when I moved to Encinitas, I set myself a series of goals.  One at a time, I wanted to improve my overall fitness and health.  Goal #1 was to take off some of the weight that I put on this summer on the bike.  I was probably about 205 at the time; my first weight-in was about 200 pounds.  I set a goal of getting down to 185; my "fighting weight" is probably closer to 180 but I thought this would make a good approachable first goal.  And yesterday I did it!  Granted, it's a bit misleading because I only weighed that after a run; I'll know I'm really set when I get 3 consecutive weigh-ins at that weight.  But I'm celebrating early!  I know some good things are happening too because I can see them.

I don't need to tell you, dear reader, how important goals are.  To succeed we need a sense of self-empowerment, and nothing does that better than setting goals and achieving them.  I like a system I learned in Business school called SMART - Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-Bound.

I already have a next goal in mind, but I'm keeping it a secret until I achieve it!  Onward and upward!