2017 - Day 5 - East Thetford, VT
Goodbye, New Hampshire.You are a beautiful and pastoral place, but I will not miss the night we spent in you, except in the sense of character building, in which case, great job.Today was a pretty "average" day; just a gorgeous day of riding followed by a home cooked meal of chicken, pasta, chocolate chip cookies and local ice cream, and a shower in a neighbor's house, with another neighbor doing my laundry.So, you know, an average day.I realize it's almost a cliche by now but it's so invigorating to see how kind people can be.
One of the things you realize traveling around the country is how many different viewpoints we have in this grand big country. Today a gentleman - a local, maybe in his 50s - sat down near my conversation at dinner and proclaimed that the internet was a waste of time and we should just get rid of it all because it didn't do us any good and was just making us all autistic. He asked me what I do and I said I was a software engineer but that didn't deter him at all he just plowed on. I finally just got up; not because I was annoyed at his opinion but because I just realized we had so little in common there wasn't much good in communicating. I'm happy to have him believe what he believes. I'm also glad he can't control what I do with my life. So, I guess what I'm saying is hooray freedom and democracy in action. :)