A. H. Y.

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2017 - Day 18 - Cleveland, OH

Today was our rest day in Cleveland.  It was a great day for a rest day for me personally because I was getting sick.  But I think because I got to rest for a day, I'm getting over it.  We went in the morning to a service project at a really nice MS clinic in downtown Cleveland.  It was a good clinic that did its best to give its residents a great quality of life and obviously cared about them.  I felt bad that I felt so crummy because I couldn't help as much as I would have liked but I picked up cigarette butts and helped plant flowers.  Those projects are always good reminders of how good we have it.  As one of the other team members put it a couple of weeks ago, "there but for the grace of God go I".  

We also got free tickets to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame so we all went there this afternoon.  I enjoyed myself, but not as much as in 2014.  The exhibit was about Rolling Stone this time, which just didn't speak to me.  Nobody I know reads Rolling Stone.  But still we had a good time.

I also went out to Best Buy and traded in my new MacBook Pro for an even *newer* MacBook Pro, with the Touch Bar.  I wanted the new one because you can hook up an external graphics card to it.  I love these machines.  Still getting used to the keyboard and the Touch Bar but it was so easy to set up and the screen looks fantastic and I already dropped it from a height of about 4 feet and nothing happened.  Try that with my old Windows laptop.

Having a great time out here in Ohio!