2017 - Day 24 - Odell, IL
Wind wind wind wind. Wind? Wind wind wind; wind wind wind wind wind. Wind wind, wind wind wind wind wind wind, wind wind wind. Wind wind wind wind. Wind! Wind wind wind.
Corn corn corn? Corn! Corn; corn corn corn corn corn corn. Corn corn corn, corn corn corn corn corn corn corn corn corn corn. Corn corn corn corn corn corn corn corn, corn corn corn. Corn corn corn corn corn.
Flat flat flat flat.
Also, we went to a really interesting conspiracy theory bookstore in Kempton, IL. Funny little place in the middle of nowhere that self-published their own conspiracy theory books. And the diner in Odell was pretty good. Today should be an easier day; only 55 miles and possibly even a tailwind.
Oh! And we got to go to our first community pool. Regular readers of last year’s blog will remember the pools as a small town staple out here.