2017 - Day 11 - Sodus Point, NY
Today was a very fun and interesting day. First of all, the weather today was as good as yesterday's was bad. This part of the country looks so amazing when it's a nice day, and today was one of the nicest. Bright, sunny, a bit on the colder side which is good when you're riding, bug-free and just glorious. I'll remember the smell of cut grass, the way the hills rolled out under us, the chirping of birds, the sun glinting off the water. I spent a good part of the day riding with Amanda, which was fun because I don't hang out with her as much and it was cool to just chat. Then, in the afternoon, I met up with my parents (!) and we went to see my Aunt Sandy (!) and my cousins Tim and Mike, and had dinner at a steak house. Now I'm blogging from inside a bed and breakfast in Sodus Point, and there's a beautiful sunset. A few interesting tidbits from today: I haven't seen my Aunt in many years and my cousins in even more. I often feel like I don't have a lot of family so it's good to see family. They are really great. I really like them. Sandy still runs a store in Wolcott and her son Mike lives with her and does really good woodworking. They're just good people. Tim reminds me of Brian, my cousin on my mom's side. It's good to know that you're from somewhere.
Can't wait for more riding, and more adventures.