A. H. Y.

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2017 - Day 44 - Las Vegas, NV


As time passes, I do feel like I have some time to start thinking about the trip and what it means to me.  First, though, today was a pretty good day of resting.  I got my 7.1 miles in at the gym, got some errands run and some work done.  Unfortunately, I chipped my tooth on a plastic fork :( and so I have to go to the dentist tomorrow.  I'll be getting up super early and heading down to Carlsbad, hopefully I can make it through LA before the traffic gets too insane.  Life is always an adventure with me I guess!  

A few quick things about the trip: one of the things I really have learned is that it is so hard - but so important - to have people around you, people you can interact with regularly.  I find being out on the road with folks so fun because I love bouncing ideas off of other people and just having random unscheduled encounters with all kinds of interesting people.   

OK, more later: time to make a dental appointment!