2017 - Day 56 - Red Rock Canyon, Las Vegas, NV
Yesterday I got to do something I'd wanted to do for a while, ride the loop road at Red Rock Canyon. It's approximately 16 miles total. The first 5-6 miles is a fairly steady 1000' climb, in the 105 degree Nevada heat. I met some nice people who wanted to chat about cycling, and another couple who offered me water. At one point I had so much sweat dripping in my eyes I thought I might have to quit, and then I remembered my MS bandanna! So I was so grateful to the folks from the Cleveland clinic once again for helping me even across all the miles. I stopped off at a couple of places I hadn't seen yet but didn't see anything too interesting, and then it was an 8-10 mile descent, out of the canyon and then along Route 159 back to my car. I'd forgotten to take my pass with me but they waved me on through, and about an hour and a half later I was back at my car. It was quite a nice ride, even in the heat.