On Mystery Science Theater 3000 - Day 9
Yesterday I received in the mail my brand spankin’ new copy of the limited edition vinyl release of Clowns in the Sky, a collection of songs from Mystery Science Theater 3000. Some of you may know the show, depending on how nerdy, old and/or interested in movies you might be. MST3K (as it is affectionately known) is famous in nerd circles; it’s a super nerdy comedy show filmed in the midwest (which is itself unusual) about a couple of comedians who are trapped in space and have to make fun of bad movies. It’s better than it sounds, and one thing that I respond to - and I think others do too - is a sort of community-theater-esque authenticity and genuiness that pervades the whole show. They don’t give a f*ck, in the best possible way, and the most obvious place to see that is in the skits they do, and particularly the songs they make up. Which is what makes this record so great; its a compilation of them at their funniest and most authentic. My particular favorites are “Creepy Girl”, because I love Kevin Murphy’s voice, and the Godzilla Genealogy Bop, because Joel is such a good and it’s the sort of song only MST3K could pull off!