A. H. Y.

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On Dracula - Day 42

Today’s post is devoted to this awesome drawing/sketch a friend of mine made for me for Christmas. She presented it to me yesterday at her birthday party. (Side note: I’m glad my birthday isn’t at Christmas!). She was humble about it, said she didn’t spend that much time on it - which perhaps is true - but somehow the spontaneity of it really feels like it aided in capturing something about me. I told her that it looked a little like a conflicted version of Dracula, and she said that she wanted it to look like I had a devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other. In my case, the conflict is not between good and evil; I’m pretty firmly on the side of good. It’s more of a conflict between happy, productive, liking-myself Adam and the…other guy. The brain fog, slightly depressed, down-on-myself Adam. So this image feels to me like it really captures that feeling. My goal, of course, is to be more the former and less the latter. And I do feel like, day by day, that is happening, though not always with the speed and consistency that I would prefer.

Here’s to 2020 being the year that Dracula finally hits the gym and loses that extra 10 pound. :)