A. H. Y.

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2019 - Northern Tier Part 2 - Day 0 - Practicing

Hi blog! It’s been a while. I thought I would whip out the ol’ keyboard and make sure the blog was still ticking and I knew how to log into it and all, and I figured, while I was at it, why not actually make a blog post.

The last year has been really intense and interesting. There’s probably more than I can really write about here in this space. It’s been a roller coaster ride with a lot of pretty serious ups and downs - for myself, and even more so for the people around me. Cancer, death, birth, new jobs, old jobs, a new office, a new home, a new relationship.

But what I’m focused on today, as I get ready for another trip, is the change in me. Put simply, whenever I came to these trips in the past, I was super ready to just hop on that bike and race away from my life. I wanted to escape. And this time, don’t get me wrong, I really want to go, but it’s a bit more wistful. I don’t honestly feel like I want to escape from my life. I’m actually a little bit sad to get away from my new adopted home, my new relationship, my brother, my new office. It’ll be great to get out on the open road again, but it doesn’t have that feeling of urgency that it used to.

I think this is a good thing. Welcome home, me.