A. H. Y.

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On Bike School Day 5 - Day 59

I would love to end with some plot twist, but there was no plot twist! Everything was awesome right up until the end. I teared up a little bit in the parking lot actually thinking about having to leave. It’s like a bike paradise, filled with cool people who are knowledgable and will take the time to slow down and impart that knowledge to you. Granted, it’s because you’re paying them, but you get the sense that if they could they would do it for free, and they certainly don’t make you feel like a “customer”. Anyway, we replaced the front fork on my bike. Rich had to actually hacksaw the headset off the bike; he said it was the first time he’d ever had to do that. PSA: if you ride on a trainer, make sure to put down a towel over the handlebars because your sweat goes right into that headset and salt water is incredibly corrosive. The level of gunk inside there was staggering. But now I have a fancy new carbon fork and super nice headset, and a bunch of great tools and of course a lot more knowledge and some new friends.

I need to get out more often. :)