On Art Tastings - Day 74
Tonight, courtesy of Jason and Starla and their friend Jacqui, I was invited to attend an art show slash dinner event, called An Art Tasting. I had to leave a bit early because I’m not feeling super great this week, but in the time I was able to stay I had a great time. I especially loved it because it felt very inspiring (which I think was one of the main points). It was a bit of an “amateur artist” night, by which I do not mean to impugn the artists, who were all excellent, just to say that it was definitely a night for people to shine without having to first be as amazingly polished. I would like to get back into producing art and it’s important to remember not to let the perfect be the enemy of the good. There are things that I think I can give back and this was an important reminder to just get out there and get it done. The food in particular was amazing and very fresh; full of delicious vegetables.
And - it was right up the street from me here in Oakland! Win-win!