Eastern Europe 2022 - Day 5/6 - Warsaw, poland
The last 36 hours have seen me fly from Jacksonville to Miami to Heathrow to Warsaw and now I’m in a hotel at the airport in Warsaw. I’ll be here about 8 more hours and then it’s back across the street to fly to Vienna and then Stuttgart. I’m exhausted. Travelling like this is so intense; I’ve only done this a few times in my life. But everyone here is super nice. I went to McDonalds and had a burger with cranberries on it and bought a power adapter. The world really is smaller; it was easy, almost trivial, to use my credit card, talk to people in English; honestly, it’s been so easy. I think we take that for granted in 2032, and especially us native English speakers. I’m sure it will get more interesting as I get away from the cities…