2017 - Day 71 - Shelton, WA - 82 miles
Today the theme for my life was perspective. There is a strip of pavement, about 40 miles, from Bremerton, WA to Shelton, WA. I've ridden it 3 times now (a little more actually). The pavement itself didn't ever change, of course. The curves and turns and hills and trees and lake are all the same. But each of the three trips couldn't possibly have been more different. A year ago today, I rode that route as the sweep and route leader for last year's Pacific Coast trip. It was a really difficult day. I was on my bike until 6:30 PM and had arguably the most trying personal interactions I've ever had. There was so much negativity because of the attitudes of a few of my riders and just some bad luck that resulted in people getting very lost. Today, I rode it as just a rider. And yes, a few people got mildly lost. But everyone was smiling and laughing and everyone had a great time. I got in by 2 and the last rider came in by4. Then, I rode it back on my own and hammered to catch the 6:45 ferry - and did! I did 40+ miles in 2:18 and it felt so great! Such an accomplishment for me! So that pavement never changed but the story I brought to it, and others contributed to, was so very different. Of course, I knew already that everything in life is about how we look at it - but what an obvious example!
It was so so awesome to ride with Jeff and Eddie and Matt and mike. The best part is watching cool people I know who don't know each other get to meet and build even tighter webs of community. And it was an amazing ride!! I miss everyone already but will see them in just a couple weeks.