2016 TransAm/Western Express Day 51 - Milford, UT
As we ride through this last gasp of Utah (State Motto: "We're sometimes kind of hot, we don't like booze and there are too many flies"), the primary thoughts I have are about the future. Specifically, I've discovered that not only do I really enjoy randonneur (long distance cycling), I seem to be pretty good at it. I'm under no delusions that I'm going to be world-class or anything, but still, I'm not bad at it. So I've started really thinking about where I could go with this. So I'm going to use this entry as a placeholder for some of the ultra cycling events I've found out about and have thoughts of doing in the future:
RAGBRAI - Register Great Annual Bike Ride Across Iowa. This one is a week long, the last week in July. It costs $175. Ragbrai.org
BRAN - Bike Ride Across Nebraska. June 4-10. Again, about a week and about $200. bran-inc.org.
STP - Seattle to Portland. 207 miles, which you can do in one day. July 16. Www.cascade.org
Bike the US for MS Northern Tier - 4285 miles. June and July and parts of May and August.
Bike the US for MS Pacific Coast - 1850 miles, roughly. August.
Iceland Cyclothon. Wowcyclothon.is. About $250. 6/20-6/23.
There's undoubtedly going to be more, but this is a good start!