A. H. Y.

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2016 TransAm/Western Express Day 61 - Winters, CA

As we approach the finish line, a few things have begun to happen.  From a physical standpoint, the cycling itself has gotten a lot easier and a hell of a lot more fun.  Today we got to travel down the American River bike path and then the paths to David and Winters.  We spent the better part of a 70 mile day on bike paths.  As some of you probably know, Davis prides itself on being the bicycle capital of the country.  It's nice - and also weird - to be surrounded by so many people who cycle.  I know that we are so close to SF, to the finish and to civilization, but it still feels like we're out in the woods.   

On a different note, II have really started to enjoy and come to peace with the fact that this social group is coming to an end.  I've blogged about the fact that for me, I knew the big challenge wouldn't be the physical act of cycling but rather getting along with the group in close quarters.  Last night we did an activity where we all filled index cards with anonymous comments about each other.  Mine were very nice, and also had nothing to do with technology or computers!  Which were basically my two goals.  I'll have more to say about this later when we're done and I have time to think, but most of all what I'll miss is this great group of people.

 More pictures when I have better internet!