On "Why Don't You Just" - Day 78
OK, stop me if you’ve heard this one before. You set out to do something - something adult. Something relatively small. Maybe it’s to change banks for your checking account. Maybe you need to renew your driver’s license. Or hire a plumber. Or get blinds installed.
For me, recently, it was trying to get a car stereo installed in my car.
Whatever. But, for some reason, it just goes super sideways. You try and try, but the universe just says you’re not adulting that day. You fail once, you fail again and then, much to your incredulous dismay, you fail a third time. And then, in the midst of despair, a voice chimes in. Maybe it’s a mental voice (for me it’s usually my mom). Perhaps it’s an actual friend in real life. And they always start with “Why Don’t You Just”. Why don’t you just go to this specific bank? Why don’t you just do it online? Why don’t you try Amazon? Why don’t you just let me take care of it? Why don’t you just admit that you’re fooling us all and actually you sometimes go to the grocery store at 2am and buy an entire pint of ice cream and eat it all while sitting in your car in the parking lot?
You know what I mean.
Anyway. I’ve decided that I’m going to stop saying “why don’t you just”. Because, the thing is, as a wise person once said, everyone we meet is fighting their own battles. We never know what’s going on with people. And, as another wise person once said, everything is easy once you know how. We all struggle with different things.