It's always a bit odd to just kind of announce this sort of thing.  It's a bit presumptuous because it assumes that any of you out there in digital land would be interested.  But I regard the blog as a record of some of the momentous moments of my life, in addition to other purposes, so I felt it was worth commenting.  It felt a bit odd not to.  So, yes: I am leaving Portland, for the sunnier climes (figuratively and not) of San Diego.  There are many reasons for this move.  The most immediate reason is that the company I've started working for - Experiment 7 - is coalescing their headquarters around San Diego and have asked me to move there.  Also very much on the list, though, is my commitment to fitness and the outdoors.  I find increasingly that thoughts of the rain and grey weather up here in Portland are dominating my experience.  There are lots of great things about Portland, but I think that, in the end, it's just not for me.  I don't honestly think that I'm quirky.  At least not in this particular way.  I think I enjoy being fairly run-of-the-mill and achievement oriented.  I like original thought, yes, but I don't really know that I enjoy being super weird just for its own sake.  San Diego may come across as dull, but if that dullness means that I get to run on the beach in 65-degree sunny weather every day of the year, then, I don't know - maybe bring on the dull?  We shall see.  Either way, I'm excited about this change.

If any of you out there have any San Diego tips or tricks or know folks down there, I'd love to hear from you!  I'm still actually looking for a permanent place to live, so if you have leads on that especially I'd love to hear.  And you can look forward to a lot more from me about fitness in the near future once I'm down there.  Which should be soon; the goal is to move in just a couple of weeks!

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