I love food. I'm kind of like that guy from Diners and Dives on the Food Network. Give it to me local, plentiful, and delicious, and I'm happy. I have a soft spot for "food of the people". To me, food is memories. I can't eat a golabki without thinking of my grandmother's house, or my mom's cookies without thinking of Florida. And, for me, one of the best trips of my life is tied up forever with L&L Hawaiian Seafood. Many years ago, I went to Hawaii with my ex-wife. It was an amazing trip just across the board, filled with memories. But one in particular involves being in a small town on Oahu. We were taking a bus through the center of the island and had been let off for lunch, and we stopped in this tiny town and watched Navy men get their dry cleaning done. I had never had this kind of Hawaiian food; real food, heavy food, with Asian influences but uniquely Hawaiian. I fell in love with it and with the moment. Years later, I found myself in New York City - this was before Google Maps - down near Wall Street, and I turned the corner and, like a yellow mirage, there it was! I didn't know it existed outside of Hawaii. I was immediately transported back to the pineapple plantations, and ever since, I've sought out L&L anywhere I can find it. Today, it's going to be Spam Musubi, and a mini of Fried Mahi-Mahi. I can smell it already.