Today was an interesting day. Taken as a whole, we had a good day of travel, making it over 600 miles. I got to show my Dad the John Day Fossil Beds, which are amazing. And the terrain was beautiful. We had a few issues with the car. Essentially, we ran out of oil, and we have no idea why. I happened to decide to make a stop to get off at Culver's for ice cream, and it's a good thing I did, because if I hadn't, we might have had the engine seize up on us on the highway. We ended up bouncing around going to Walgreens and Walmart looking for oil. It was one of those experiences in life where there's moments of sheer panic and confusion but everything turns out all right in the end! I'm learning to try to roll with those moments more; everything always seems to turn out all right, so what's the point of panicking? It was great to have my Dad around; he was a big help. We still have no idea what - if anything - might be wrong with the car. But it's a beautiful day, we made good progress, and the world is a happy place.