I don't think things are going so well in Hindman, KY. Now, that's not to say it isn't a nice place. The Baptist Church we're staying at here in downtown is very pleasant and well kept and actually exceptionally cool. They've got a pool table and a Street Fighter II machine and a whole upstairs music space. And certainly there are some cool things in Hindman; some of the buildings look quite nice and there are some law firms and a post office. But there's also a Career Center, a broken down car sales place, and just a lot of what look like empty buildings. And a few signs: "Friends of Coal". "Coal is Clean".
Now, coal is not clean. These people are, unfortunately, on the wrong side of history, and sadly, there isn't much that can be done to change their fate - if, of course, their fate is tied exclusively to coal. But I say this just as a reminder that in any war, no matter how righteous, there are winners and there are sometimes losers, and being kind to the losers is super important. We must save this planet, and part of that is reducing our dependence on fossil fuels - but if in the process we destroy entire communities - well, that would be sad. For Hindman, KY, and for all of us.