Well!  It finally happened.  I got my first flat of the trip.  I'm kind of glad to get it out of the way; now I can continue on my journey knowing that's behind me.  :)  Also, I got interviewed by the local news here.  http://www.koamtv.com/story/32311054/bike-the-us-for-ms-rolls-through-pitt

It continues to amaze me just how awesome everyone is to us.  I've gotten so much positive feedback and so much interest in my ride.  It's humbling.  Today we said goodbye to one of the people who's been following us; a guy by the name of Tom Johns who has MS and is wheelchair-bound but doesn't let that stop him.  He was really inspiring.

I would love to make just a few more dollars in donations to reach the halfway point for my journey.  If you can give, would you?  It goes right to those like Tommy who need it the most.  http://tinyurl.com/AdamBikes.

Oh yeah - and we're in Kansas now!


