"Hate never conquers hate; only love can do that."
Today I'd like to write about a topic that I think is really important, although it maybe a bit uncomfortable. Some of you will think I am wrong, and that's OK. I will espouse a philosophy that, while it might seem odd, is not something I came up with but is instead ancient as the hills.
Riding through rural Virginia on back roads as we have, has been an awesome experience. People have been so generous and kind and just wonderful. There is a "downside", though - at least if you choose to see it that way. We saw a few dozen confederate flags, a number of Trump signs. We stopped at an unused convenience store and saw the "N" word graffitied on the floor. Now, I know that, for a lot of people, these things are just wrong, as are the people that do them. And that's the end of the story. Fair enough. I understand that perspective. I empathize.
Just a few weeks ago, I was out at dinner with a number of friends, and we started drinking and talking about politics (a dangerous combination). I was labeled a Trump supporter. Let me be clear: I am not a Trump supporter. I am everything but a Trump supporter. What I will claim, however, is that I am a Trump supporter supporter. That is to say, I support the humanity and the fundamental value of people, even those that support Trump. For example, my parents support Donald Trump for President, and I honor them as my parents, as human beings, and as my elders. Do I think that Donald Trump would make a good president? I do not. I think he would be a disaster. But that is not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is that, even though a person puts up a confederate flag, I still respect them as a human. I may feel that they are wrong, but I do not think they are somehow less of a person. And this is where so many people go wrong; they lose respect for people with different opinions. Then, because they have less respect, they talk down to them. They try to tell them what to do, explain to them how wrong and evil they are. And guess what? It never, ever works. Nobody responds to advice delivered without respect. They will ignore you, and if you assert your authority, they will fight you, and if somehow you still win, they will do what you say under coercion, but they will hate you the whole time. I believe this firmly: Donald Trump is partially a creation of the dominant liberal paradigm which refuses to treat their fellow citizens with respect and thus incites anger and rage. I am interested in winning; both this election and the race for the fate of the country. But I want to do it respectfully. I want to be a good winner. I want to shake hands at the end. Hate never conquers hate; only love can do that.