Yesterday was a very nice, if relatively uneventful ride into Half Moon Bay. We got to explore a lot more of HMB than I ever had before, usually I just drive through. And last night was, of course, our "Brom", or Bike Prom. The only thing I have to say about that is that I once again feel so incredibly grateful to get to hang out with such really cool people and have so much fun. It was just a really fun time. Today we headed into Santa Cruz - another really nice and uneventful but beautiful ride. The weather is finally turning warm which is great.
This afternoon I really wanted to go out to the Santa Cruz Boardwalk and ride the rides, but nobody else in the group wanted to do that. So I did it anyway. One of the really important things I have been learning is how to have fun on my own. Don't misunderstand; I would rather be with other people and have a long term relationship. But sometimes that just isn't going to happen. Even people in relationships sometimes have to spend time apart. And I used to be very bad at spending time alone. But I've been getting better. I had a great time, by myself, riding exactly the roller coasters that I wanted to ride. And if I got some funny looks as a single 39-year-old dude, oh well, that's those people's problem. :)