Today was a good day. We rode 66 miles along the shores of Lake Erie to Lake Erie State Park. The last 30 miles or so we rode in a 7 person pace line, which is the longest I've ever ridden in a pace line that long. It was a lot of fun and easy riding. Camping here reminds me of being a kid; it's a lot like the campgrounds we used to use down in the Allegheny mountains, with lots of green grass and little cabins you can rent. The weather is still impeccable. We went swimming in Lake Erie and everybody was afraid of the rocks but I had the bright idea to wear lake shoes.
I hesitated to put this in the blog, but today I got a call that an old friend had passed away. It didn't really hit me that hard because we hadn't talked in over 10 years and were never really that close, but still it was a weird thing to find out. Just another reminder that life is short. I was encouraged that when I heard that I did feel a sense that I was really living life to the fullest. Being here, at this campground, doing this with these people, I am in no hurry to stop living, but if I had to, I would know that I had done the most I could!