I know I'm supposed to blog right now, but I'm really tired.  Today was a rest day, but last night my laptop broke.  Which wouldn't be a huge deal except that I'm still trying to do my job while I'm out here, and obviously I can't do that without a laptop.  So I spent today running around taking care of that.  As you live out here on the road more and more, trust becomes a really key word.  Trust.  Trust in your teammates, trust in your gear, trust in your bike, trust in yourself.  Not because of some grand philosophical drive to trust people but simply because you realize how important it is to save yourself time and be able to focus on what's really important.  When I bought that laptop, I had a bad feeling about it.  It felt flimsy.  It had shiny keys, as if they were trying to distract me from something.  And it was cheap - too cheap.  And here it is, broken already only 4 months later.  I should have known better.

Anyway, yes - trust.  And because trust becomes so important out here, it just becomes more important at home as well.  You start to measure people not by how "awesome" they may be but whether you feel like you can trust them: to keep their word, to do the right thing, generally to not cause you trouble. 

By the way, that delicious looking thing is a maple creemie. 

Oh, and cats are really really good at hiding in vans. 

