Yesterday was a bit of a "filler day". I got caught up on a lot of things work and life-related, fascinating stuff like installing drivers and buying bandages for my elbow. The "breather time". I snuck in a trip to the gym to run my 6.5 miles and hit up the hot tub. Also had lunch with Geoff and John Malaska. Filler time is something I've always struggled with, just as I struggle with delayed gratification in general. It's so important though for life and happiness in general; one of my favorite studies is here: which talks about this. And Carlsbad is not a bad place to spend a couple of days while setting up for the totally awesome weekend I'm about to have with my brother and his friends. Did I mention I'm about to have a totally awesome weekend with my brother and his friends? Because, I am. Catch you on the flip side!