Yesterday we did our first century of this trip - that's 100 miles. I've done them before of course, but this one was especially fun. It was nice to see that I could still do it, and actually do it pretty easily - I mean, I'm tired, but it wasn't that bad. It helped that the weather was perfect, slightly cool and overcast. Scotland is very nice but reminds me a *lot* more of the US. The roads are wider, and we even had - gasp! - a shoulder to ride on for a while. And the building constructino is more modern. But James says that might just be because of the area that we're in. I stopped in a random little shop in Suquhar and struck up a conversation with the owner and her little dog Daisy, and was reminded of how that can be one of my favorite parts - just random conversations with locals - and I should do it more often.
Top 10 Questions I Have For Scotland About Irn-Bru, the Unofficial Drink of Scotland:
1) . Seriously??!?
2) You are a nation of warriors, shouldn't you drink the blood of your enemies or something?
3) . Why is it orange?
4) . Just please tell me what it's *supposed* to taste like.
5) . In what sense is it "Brewed"?
6) . Does the "Irn" leach out of the can you put it in?
7) . I mean, c'mon, you're joking, right?
8) . When you drink Red Bull, do you think "hey this is like Irn Bru but worse"?
9) . Do you mix it with alcohol? And, if so, do you then have a seizure?
10) . Would you like some help thinking up new beverages?