A few things about Denver. First of all, I learned that sometimes kickstarting your thought processes by just changing your venue with no particular goal in mind can be really awesome. I really had no reason for coming here. My friend Helen was talking to me and we got to talking about places I could live and ones Id visited and I realized that Denver was the only place I really had any interest in that I’d never visited at all, not even briefly. I’ve been to Colorado before, I even got engaged in Vail a million years ago, but no time in Denver. It’s nice! I think the main downside, for me, is that the terrain reminds me more of Las Vegas or someplace really dry and that isn’t my preferred way to live. I love trees and forests. It’s a bigger city than I anticipated; the buildings downtown are quite impressive. It’s spectacularly clean, but it also seems to have a really bad homeless problem. The food has been tasty. And I will say that this hostel I’m in - the Ember Hostel - is amazing. Again I’m struck by how great it is to stay in hostels. Overall, a nice place, although it didn’t quite wow me. Here’s a few more pictures I took!