Two days ago I bought a pull-up bar because I wanted to start doing pull-ups at home instead of at the gym. You know, one of these kinds that you can put on a door jamb temporarily. Yesterday it showed up and I put it together and tried to use it. The first time it tore a hole in my door jamb. Then, I read the instructions (correctly this time) and installed it properly. I did one full pull up, correctly, and then the second time I put weight on it, it immediately fell apart and I fell to the ground, bruising my tailbone and then whipping my head into the ground, which was really scary and also hurt like the devil and gave me a whopping headache.

I tell this story for one simple reason. Everyone complains, and quite rightly so, that social media is conditioning us to only talk about things which either make us look good, make us look smart, make us look humble, etc. etc. This story is none of those things. Essentially: I cheaped out on an Amazon pull up bar, installed it wrong, it felt apart and I fell down and it hurt a lot but I’ll be OK in a couple of days. There’s really nothing to learn here except A) life sucks in small ways sometimes, and B) don’t buy a cheap pull up bar.

Continue on with your day. Adam over and out.

