A. H. Y.

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On Credit For Patience - Day 20

As some of you may know, over the last 3-4 years I have fought an uphill battle to repair my credit. Now, my credit was never that bad - somewhere down in the mid 600s. But it annoyed me on an emotional level, and was potentially an issue on a logistical level as well. Annoying, because I didn’t feel like it reflected any kind of reality, and an issue if I ever wanted to buy a car or a house (which I do, someday) because it was going to cost me a lot of money in extra interest. When I embarked on that journey years back, it felt insurmountably bureaucratic - and that’s because it (almost) was. But it turns out it can be done - you just have to be incredibly patient. Today, FICO informed me that one of the last hurdles was crossed: my TransUnion score went up by 101 points, because a collection came off my record. This collection was for $293. When I left Portland, I tried to return my cable modem. Through a series of shenanigans and goings on fit for an 80s movie, I failed to do so, and despite my best efforts, also could not get them to take my money or let me send them the modem from San Diego. I, quite frankly, eventually forgot about it - but apparently the cable company didn’t. And that transgression was apparently so heinous that it was worth 101 points on my credit. To be clear, I paid them the money as soon as I figured out how, but I guess that wasn’t good enough.

Anyway, finding this out today made me really really happy so I just wanted to share with all y’all. Patience and persistence work! Go on about your day. Adam over and out.