Today I want to write about something a little random that I happen to be thankful for - my vests! Many years ago, I stumbled into some clothing shop over in the East Bay - I couldn’t tell you where anymore - and saw this awesome vest. It was, for me, crazy expensive and more than I’d ever spent on something like that at the time, but I was trying to broaden my horizons and for some reason this vest spoke to me and I bought it, right off the rack. Ever since then, I’ve worn that vest in so many situations, and every time, it just makes me feel a little more fun and playful and just a bit more grounded. I’ve tracked down the manufacturer and it turns out to be this woman who used to live in the Bay Area and now lives in Hawaii. She makes every vest and piece of clothing by hand; she starts with off-the-shelf used clothes, like American Eagle vests, and then modifies them extensively to create something very different. I love them, and I now own 2 vests and a full jacket. Her business name is Ghetto Goldilocks, and if you ever see her stuff, consider buying it because it’s really hard to find these days!

