Sniff! Endings are always hard, and saying goodbye can be tough. Today I had to let go of my trusty Subaru. She was a good car, but she was starting to have too many high mileage problems. Ironically, it’s the smog test that finally did her in; she wouldn’t pass, and getting her to pass was measured in the thousands of dollars. Her power steering was basically shot, she burned oil, she got bad gas mileage. Still, I liked that car. It was big and roomy, with leather seats and a pretty great sound system and a bike rack. It fit my lifestyle. I’d love to go back to a Subaru at some point; for the moment I’ll be taking over my brother’s old Chevy Cavalier; more about that little gem later!
I always get weirdly sentimental about these things. It’s just a physical object, it doesn’t care where it goes! But I do hope it gets to somebody who can use it and isn’t just dismantled. In the right hands, it’s totally fixable and could really benefit somebody for many thousands of miles to come!
Bye Subaru!