It seems appropriate to spend at least one day of the blog’s time worth talking about New Years, and the idea of New Years Resolutions. You might expect me to be cynical about these, but you’d be wrong: I think it’s very human to want to have a traditional moment for reflecting on how we can be better people. We can’t think about that all the time or we go crazy from anxiety, but we also need to grow as people. So here are a few of mine:
- Working on getting my 5K time down; I’m at 7:30/mi now, I’d like to get to 6:00/mi.
- Building more meaningful relationships with other people
- Producing regular video content through the studio
- Going to bed by midnight every day
- Blog every day
- Doing 100 pushups at one time

There are more, but those are good examples! I’m honestly looking forward to 2020: I think it’s going to be a great year for my own personal development, and I can only sincerely hope that it’s a good year for the world in general as well!

