Today I had to go in to get some blood drawn. For those of you that don’t know, I have a pretty terrible phobia of needles. It rarely comes up, but usually it’s in a health context where I need to have blood drawn, maybe twice a year or so. Every time it happens, I have the same issues: sweaty palms, fear, anxiety. I am aware, intellectually, that this makes no sense. I know that every time I’ve had it done it went fine and was easy. And yet, I hyperventilate a little bit every time.
I find this fascinating because it goes against everything we’re taught in the American, protestant, scientific approach. Being aware of the reality of the situation has precisely zero effect on the part of my brain that wants to be anxious and fearful. Isn’t that fascinating?
I think the human mind is the most fascinating thing on the planet.
Anyway, the blood draw went fine. As always.