I am going on a grand adventure! Most of you who know me in person know this already, but it’s time to let blog-land know: I am going on an adventure to see some friends, rediscover some roots, and a lot more. The adventure starts today; as I sit here I am in the airport in San Francisco ready to hop on a plane. Don’t get too excited; my first stop is Jacksonville, to visit my parents, before jetting off on Monday to points East. After Jacksonville, I’ll be heading to Poland, then Germany, then back to Poland before visiting Ukraine and returning on or around New Years Day, a trip of about 3 weeks or so. In Germany I’ll be visiting my old cycling friend Matt Garza, and then back to Poland where I’ll visit my pen pal Domi and my friend Kaska at her parents’ home, as well as just hanging out in Poland. Then it’s on to Kyiv, where I hope to get a sense of what the war has been like and visit the Maidan and the other sights of Ukraine’s capital.
But first, for today, some basic domestic travel. The American Express lounge is closed, which is a bummer.
I’ll be updating various social media: you can follow me on Facebook, here on this blog, and also on my YouTube channel, which is at (58) Adam Hunter - YouTube. I’ll be trying to post (almost) daily updates there. You can also follow me on Instagram at @calmofinfinity.