Today we approached the Outer Banks; actually, technically we are already in them but we’re still on the mainland and in the southern portion which isn’t very touristy yet and still feels quite rural. There’s not much here. It’s starting to remind me of the Trans Am route from 2016 and also a little bit of where I grew up. The front yards (and side and back yards) for example are really huge and very green and grassy, which is something you really only see in this area. I saw my first and only confederate flag today; I was pleasantly surprised at how long it took to see one. The ride was a bit dull but really nice and easy with a tailwind. Tonight is one of our rare rural group dinners of necessity because there just isn’t anything here! The wind is soft and beautiful and the birds chirruping is so pleasant. I could sit outside here forever. Oh also I shaved. :)