Today I rode, and we did most of the 60 miles on a bike path, an old Rails to Trails path. That means they took an old railroad track and turned it into a bike path, which means they are usually really flat and often dirt or limestone, which this was. It was like riding into a green tunnel, with lots of affluent little semi-rural neighborhoods along the way. Tonight we are back to churches.
I stopped in York at this really amazing old-school video arcade called Timeline Arcade that was obviously a passion project; it had a pretty impressive collection of old school games and some timeless 80s decor including garish neon wall paint and old Nickolodeon clips playing up on the wall. I played some Turtles In Time, a little Tron, and just generally wandered through my childhood. They didn’t have a Pac Man Jr though; that’s my holy grail. I did play the original arcade Punch-Out though; it’s a lot harder than I thought it was.