Yesterday was a big party for my company. I work for a company called Visual Concepts which is part of Take 2 Interactive, and we primarily make a game called NBA2K, which comes out every year. We released it recently and so yesterday was our launch party. I used to go to parties like this all the time, but it felt very odd to be back there after COVID and after all the changes in my industry. You don’t really see too many parties like this anymore, and even this one was relatively muted by th epast standards. It was in the middle of the day for one thing. But I had a good time; it was great to meet my entire team in person, since for most of them I’d only ever seen them on Zoom. It’s interesting to me how incredibly different people look over Zoom versus in person; it’s hard to put your finger on why, but some people are honestly barely recognizable.
Speaking of things that look nothing like you, I got a caricature made of myself, and I honestly don’t think it looks much like me, but you be the judge!
In one singular act of largesse reminiscent of the past, they gave away a Tesla Model 3. I didn’t win, sadly.
But yeah, it was great to see everybody and get dressed up.