The second-to-last day of a trip is always the best day, and this was no exception. We tied one on at the Dockside Boot; we showed up around 4 for a 4-7 pm happy hour which involved Painkillers and $7 for a dozen wings. There was a rather terrible professional karaoke guy entertaining us as we sat on a dock next to the water, followed by a Ukelele cover band that tried to play 80s and 90s hits on what was objectively the wrong instrument. We talked, we laughed, it was great. I wish every day was like that, even though I understand why it can’t be. There’s something magical about the second-to-last day; everyone has gone into full vacation mode and we are all comfortable with each other, but we’re not yet thinking about home and our responsibilities.

The riding was fine; hot; the rain has finally stopped. I rode with Rob and he got 3 - count ‘em, 3 - flats until finally I had to leave him behind because I had snorkeling tickets. Then I went snorkeling with Carla and Jim, we went out to a reef and saw a ton of multi-colored tropical fish including Blue Tangs and lots of other iridescent and crazy looking fish. It’s so fun to just watch them move around in schools. I got way too much sun, but I got to chat with Carla and sit on a boat. So all in all a great day.
