There are three kinds of people who will read this blog.  The first kind is just not terribly interested in my ride this summer, or in charity, or multiple sclerosis.  That is absolutely and totally fine; please go on about your day.  :)  The second kind of person is already sold on the idea of donating to my ride but just hasn't gotten around to it or is too busy.  For that person, I'll just leave this link here:, along with the comment that there's no time like the present.  :)

For the third kind of person, they need to know a bit more about what I'm up to before they feel like they can contribute, and I totally understand; I would feel the same way.  So here is a quick "Frequently Asked Questions" list:

Q:  What exactly are you doing?  A: On July 1, I - along with about 11 other people - am leaving by bicycle, from Virgina, to arrive exactly two months later, on August 1st, in San Francisco.  We are going the whole way, 3800 miles, by bicycle. 

Q:  Why are you doing this for charity instead of just going for a ride?  A: Good question; I could just ride my bike on my own.  But I'd like the journey to have a bit more meaning, and Multiple Sclerosis is a very worthwhile cause - more on that below.  Two years ago, I did ride on my own, and it was the trip of a lifetime - but this will be even more amazing because I can help others.

Q:  How much are you raising and why?  A: The goal is to raise $3800, one for each mile I will ride.

Q: 3800 dollars seems like a lot of money!  Why so much?  A:  Of your contribution, about 55% of the funds will go straight towards the charity.  The other 45% is paying for the logistics of the ride - the van that follows us with all our belongings, camp sites, camp food, and basic first aid support.  (Believe me, it's not luxury accomodations; we try and save as much money as possible for the cause).  $3800 is a nice round number because it's one dollar for each mile.

Q:  Why Multiple Sclerosis?  A:  Two reasons, really.  First is that I love cycling, and MS has a long-standing relationship with the cycling community.  The second is that I, personally, love motion and fitness, and diseases like MS - which cripple the body while leaving the mind intact - are one of my personal nightmares and, I think, one of the next frontiers of disease.  As an autoimmune disease, MS shares things in common with Cancer and AIDS as well, and the treatments are all related.

Q:  I do kind of want to give you money for the charity, but - no offense - I don't want to pay for your bike ride.  A:  No offense taken!  I understand.  If you feel this way, please donate, and let me know that you did so, and that you "conscientiously object", so to speak.  I will match your donation, as neccessary, to ensure that any money you donate is going straight to the cause, and not to my ride.  Note: I'll only have to actually make donations like this if I end up raising more than 55% of the total, so these "matching donations" will happen at the end. 
