I admit it - there’s a moment, when I’m home, sitting warm in bed, when I really, really hate running in the cold and rain. Today was one of those cold, foggy, sprinkling days that Portland seems to have so much of in the winter, and it was really hard to get out of bed and get in my car. Standing around before the run, too - that’s no fun. I don’t like that kind of weather in general, but standing in it is just torture.
The results don’t lie, though: my body performs a ton better in that kind of weather. I think I overheat easily while running, and the cold weather becomes my best asset once I get started. I did almost 7 miles this morning on muddy trails, and it absolutely flew by. I got in the groove right from the get-go, and really hit my stride about mile 2 and 3. I remember looking at my watch for mile 4 and then it felt like just 2 minutes later I was at mile 5. Conversely, when I lived in Austin, I had a hell of a time running. Almost right away I would be gasping for breath. Every step was difficult; every half mile was agony.
I’m writing this down mostly so that, next time I’m lying in my bed wishing it was a bright sunny day, I remember how nice it will feel about mile 2. :)