Today I did a training ride. 40 miles may seem like a lot but it was really flat. The ride was mostly just to test out some of my equipment and my setup. I'm taking a lot of the same things I took 2 years ago, but some of them were stolen in the meantime and needed to be replaced, and a few things will be different than last time. So today I put it all together, dug out my eTrex 10, and recorded my GPS track, like I will over the summer. I can report, by the way, that there is really not much interesting about Scappoose, OR except that it is exactly 20 miles from Portland and a nice place to turn around. (Sorry, Scappoosians). It was also a chance to get some sun and work on a bit of a base tan - with 2 months in the heat of the Midwestern sun, I better get ready! The ride went really well, no complications to report - which is how I like it!