I used to go to McDonald’s almost every morning for breakfast. Now I cook at home. This morning, as sort of a goodbye to 2019 and a last sanity check, I went to McDonald’s for breakfast, just to see if I was missing something. I was not. Cooking at home has been cheaper, easier and made me feel more awake and aware of my life and surroundings. It forms a basis, a starting point for my morning, and I can organize my morning activities around it. I’d been told that this was the case by many people previously, but much like losing weight or quitting a bad habit, it’s something that apparently I needed to be ready for before I made the plunge. And yes, sometimes it’s annoying to have to do dishes and go to the grocery store all the time. But this morning when I went out to eat I noticed a few things: first, it takes a lot longer than I remembered. You have to get there, get into the restaurant, order, wait for your food, eat, and then get home. Second, it’s expensive, especially if you actually get what you want and not what’s on sale. But probably most importantly, I didn’t feel as good afterwards. It was a little bit irritating of a process, and of course the food itself isn’t as healthy and you always order way too much. So yeah, I’m over it.
It’s nice that, leading into the New Year, I feel like one of my resolutions is already being done!